Welcome to the
21 Days to Better Health Program

Revitalize Your Body with our 21-Day Cleanse!

Are you ready to hit the reset button and embark on a transformative journey towards a healthier, more vibrant you? Welcome to our 21-Days Cleanse - a holistic approach to detoxifying your body, boosting energy levels, and reviving your overall well-being.

What Past Participants Are Saying:

"I just wanted to say this is one of the best things I have done in a long time... both for myself and my family! I am back to loving to cook to nurture rather than a to-do! And my body/mind/soul is feeling better than I did in a long time!"

"I am LOVING the cleanse. I feel great! I have a lot of energy. There were a few times that I wished I could have a glass of wine with dinner, but other than that, I have been really satisfied."

"Today is my last day of the cleanse and I feel FANTASTIC! I've never been on a 'diet' where I am not counting the days to the end."

"I'm on Day 8 -- yay! I really love this cleanse so much. The recipes are so delicious, and I feel really empowered -- like I'm learning how to take care of myself and my body. And learning to cook!"

Why Choose Our Cleanse?

  1. Guided Support: Say goodbye to navigating the cleanse journey alone! When you join our cleanse, you'll have the dedicated support of a knowledgeable practitioner every step of the way. From kickstarting your cleanse with an insightful overview to being available for questions, tips, and post-cleanse guidance, our practitioner is here to ensure your success.

  2. Community Connection: Joining our Fall Group on Oct 6th, 2024, means you'll be embarking on this journey alongside like-minded individuals. Cleansing in a group setting isn't just about accountability; it's about camaraderie, shared experiences, and uplifting each other throughout the process. You'll find motivation, encouragement, and perhaps even lifelong friendships as you journey towards wellness together.

  3. Enhanced Creativity in Eating: Forget restrictive diets and bland meals! Our cleanse encourages you to indulge in a diverse array of fresh vegetables, fruits, protein sources, and healthy fats. With our comprehensive list of whole foods, you'll have the freedom to experiment, get creative, and truly enjoy what you eat. From colorful salads to nourishing smoothies, the possibilities are endless!


Past participants say, "Bye bye pain, hello health!"

"The joint pain in my toes is gone. The comfort and support of the program leader and other participants provide momentum from one day to the next."

"I love this 'new' eating... I've been sooo happy with Brussels sprouts, chard, sweet potatoes, yams, and especially different types of mushrooms!! The good news is that my glucose level dropped from 103 to 83."


21 Days participants experience greater health & healing.

"I'm diabetic and my blood sugars had been getting too high after a bout with cancer and radiation. In those 21 days my blood sugars dramatically reduced and I got my energy back."

"Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have inspired & taught me to eat healthier and in a new way. The gifts of my life and good fortune just keep coming from Energy Matters."

This is why our participants have such great results.

We want to make one thing clear: This is NOT a program where we sell you a bunch of supplements and give you a guide and say "good luck."

We understand that every body is unique, and we acknowledge that embarking on a cleanse can bring about unexpected challenges. From bumps in the road to unforeseen reactions, we've seen it all!

That's why we prioritize providing one-on-one support and accountability throughout your journey. We're here to guide and support you every step of the way.

And yes, while we do incorporate supplements into our program, they're all crafted from REAL FOOD. We firmly believe in harnessing the power of real, whole foods to create genuine healing medicine. After all, food is medicine.

So, rest assured, when you join our cleanse, you're not just receiving a generic program—you're gaining access to personalized support, genuine care, and a commitment to your overall well-being.

Let's embark on this journey together and unlock the transformative power of real food cleansing!


Starts Sunday, October 6th!

Create a Private Group for you and your friends and family!

Join forces with friends, family, or colleagues to create a private group and amplify your success through collective support and motivation. Experience the power of community as you cleanse together, celebrating milestones and overcoming challenges as a team. Not only does group participation enhance your chances of reaching your health goals, but it also infuses the journey with laughter, camaraderie, and shared triumphs. As an added incentive, private groups of 5 or more participants unlock special offers tailored to maximize your experience. Don't navigate the path to wellness alone – let's thrive together!

Exclusive Live Talks with 21 Days Practitioners:

Join us for three live Zoom talks with our experienced practitioners, Angela Coon and Kirstin Lindquist, designed to enhance your cleanse experience:

  1. Pre-Cleanse Preparation Talk: One week before the Fall Group starts, Angela and Kirstin will help you get your kitchen and your mind ready for the cleanse. Learn valuable tips and strategies to set yourself up for success from the get-go.

  2. Mid-Cleanse Motivation Talk: A couple of weeks into the cleanse, join Angela and Kirstin for a motivating session on navigating boredom and staying committed until the end. Discover ways to keep your momentum going and overcome any obstacles along the way.

  3. Post-Cleanse Maintenance Talk: During the last week of the cleanse, Angela and Kirstin will discuss what to do after the cleanse is over and how to maintain any gains made. Gain insights into sustainable habits and practices to support your long-term health goals.

Register before Sept 30th to attend the 1st Kitchen Wisdom Live Talk!

Fall Group Starts Oct 6th!










Better focus, more energy - folks love this cleanse!

"I love the program and felt very 'high' and ecstatic. At the start of the program, I wouldn't have believed that it would feel easy to adhere to, but it really did after the first week. My ability to focus is better, my energy is a lot better, the frequent bouts of itching have stopped, and my sleep is most definitely better."

"I just finished the 21 Days to Better Health cleanse and I feel fantastic. I used to be the person who said 'I can't do a cleanse, my job is too physical' because I couldn't imagine 5am mornings without espresso or days without meat and dairy. I was wrong. I will say the changes in my skin and energy level are the most wonderful results - and that is saying something since I dropped 13 lbs, two and half inches from my waist and an inch from each thigh!"


Ready to feel better?!

Here's how it goes: 

  1. Register for the program online.
  2. We'll call you to schedule your pre-program consultation. This is where we get to know your goals and health projects, and we'll choose the right supplements and shake powders for your needs.
  3. We'll either ship your kit or if you're an Oakland-local, you can come to our offices to pick it up.
  4. Meanwhile, explore the participant portal, start choosing your recipes, go shopping and get prepped in general.

On Oct 6th, we'll all jump in together!

Day 22 and beyond - the results keep coming in!

"The best result has been the long term effect of the cleanse. Unlike 'diets,' this one has stuck. ...I have no intention of going back, even though I'm now faced with the typical holiday feasts, I know that I can even enjoy them for a day or so, then retreat to my new healthier way of eating. And we plan on making the cleanse a regular part of our lives, doing it at least once if not twice a year."

"So now here I am at day 30 still enjoying the new direction my eating habits have taken... And I have no other way to say this, other than I feel like a layer of fog that I wasn't aware of has been cleared away from my brain! Certainly, I have derived benefits far greater than I ever anticipated."